Monday, February 12, 2007

The Cleanse Recipe

For a minimum of 10 days, you drink only the lemonade mixture, made with organic grade B maple syrup, fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice, and cayenne pepper added to spring, distilled, or purified (NOT fluoridated) water.

60 oz water per day (or 10 oz per glass)
12 tablespoons Organic Grade B Maple Syrup (or 2 tbsp. per glass)
12 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice (or 2 tbsp. per glass)
a little over half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper (or 1/10 tsp. per glass) or to taste

Salt Water Flush:
This is the um, the questionable part. ONLY do this if you're going to be home for the entire day. . . I only did it once and that was enough.
Chug/drink 32 oz of warm spring water with 2 tsp. of sea salt in the morning. You will proceed to "eliminate" for 2-3 hours, took approximately 30minutes to move through my system. ONLY use sea salt, table or iodized salt does not have the same effect. I did the salt water flush on day 3 and was absolutely repulsed to see what was still hanging out in my lower GI.

The other part of the Cleanse:
You can drink 8oz of senna tea (natural laxative) in the morning and at night, beware, this gives you slight stomach cramps, but works better then any over-the-counter.

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